MonteRosa - Cantautor, Productor, Músico Colombiano - Música disponible en todas las plataformas.

“19 Years of ‘Hard Knocks’, but Smiling at the Devil: My Truth behind Being an Artist in Recent Times”

Collage by: MonteRosa

Photos by: Leo Oriolo Photographer, JC Mendez, Zayra Mo & MonteRosa

*Chat GPT Translation* 

At first glance, my life might seem like a fairy tale, but the reality is anything but. Throughout my 19-year professional career as a musician, singer-songwriter, producer, and designer, I have faced challenges, sacrifices, and disappointments that have shaped not only my personal life but also my journey in music in ways I never imagined.

Since I started taking music seriously, making a living from it has been my burning passion. If I had been aware from the beginning of the emotional and physical toll of this career, perhaps I would have considered other options. The time invested, the sleepless nights, the moments lost with loved ones… all of that weighs much heavier than I ever imagined.

However, despite the ups and downs and the sacrifices, I don’t regret at all where I am today. Every obstacle, every challenge, has taught me invaluable lessons. From learning to create music to mastering graphic design and web management, each experience has contributed to my growth as an artist and as a person. But, above all, I have learned to be a guide, a help, a support for those seeking their way in this world of artistic creativity. From my early days with the guitar in hand, very few truly guided me on how to create this universe of being an “Artist.” It doesn’t come with a manual, and the same industry that drives this environment doesn’t show the right path for those who have the necessary foundations to grow in it. There’s nothing more “dangerous” than an artist in any guild, as we have the power to create something from scratch and create illusions that not everyone knows how to. Additionally, we are responsible for creating futures.

I continue to discover the importance of personality, patience, and dedication on this journey. It’s important to know how to guide and keep one’s goal clear every day. Not to sell oneself for convenience or to please many, while integrity is trampled and one fades away. I have made mistakes, mainly out of ignorance, because, out of really being “bad”, I only use that energy to crush the injustices of this world in general. I defend who I am and try as much as possible to be careful in the process, but well, who said I have to please everyone who isn’t here in this world under the same terms as everyone else? To do everything possible to improve and leave something better once one’s time comes. “You look so sure that one believes you know what you’re doing and don’t need help,” a dear friend and exr said to me when we talked about all this. There’s one of my Achilles’ heels, no one really knows what happens in my universe, only I do.

I don’t sell false illusions to the world; my life can be a daily challenge. But like my mother, I find joy even on the hardest days. Helping others and brightening their lives, that is my true wealth, even though few really know what I go through.

No one in my immediate circle has skin as thick as mine. I have endured criticism, misunderstandings, and unimaginable losses. I have entrusted my trust time and time again because I believe that people have more potential than they themselves believe. From sacrificing time with loved ones to losing friendships and relationships, every blow has been tough. And the greatest loss of all, that of my mother, is a wound that still hasn’t fully healed. But I hold onto hope that someday we will be reunited in a better place.

Throughout my career, I have not only created music for myself but also for other artists seeking their own path. Some have been faithful companions, while others had hidden agendas. But as always, the truth eventually comes to light.

Despite everything, I continue forward with determination and passion. Because every step, every challenge, brings me a little closer to my dreams. And that, no one can take away from me.

I am grateful for every day, even those where I have to dig deeper for that feeling. I remind myself who I am, what I represent to myself and those around me.

As a creator of music and art, I seek opportunities to extend the reach of my music without compromising my integrity. I am capable not only of creating a musical piece but also of guiding others on their own journey if they are willing to be honest with themselves and their goals.

This path is not easy; it is not designed for the faint of heart. But as long as I keep fighting for what I believe in, as long as I continue to make a mark on the world with my music and art, I know that every battle will have been worth it.

On June 22nd, I celebrate 19 years of a professional career since “Monte*Rosa” hit the market. Stories keep coming up, testimonies from those who have listened to and felt my songs. It’s quite an amazing feeling, that out of my own solitude while writing a lot of those songs and producing them with a handful of creative colleagues, these songs are still making great vibes around the world.

The true rewards do not come in the form of awards, but in the moments where my music has touched hearts and changed emotions. Those are the moments that nourish my soul and fill me with pride.

I thank the musicians and technicians who have lent their talent to be part of and bring my creations to life. Family, friends, ex-relationships, and these professionals who have accompanied me are the inspiration behind every note, every lyric, every melody. Some of their stories have earned their own songs thanks to those encounters that life has given us.

The journey continues because death can only stop a physical body, but one keeps moving forward, traveling eternally.

MonteRosa – 2024

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